Sunday, 16 October 2016

A Blog? Why?

In my 70 years on this mortal coil, I've enjoyed an unremarkable yet fulfilled life, thus far anyway. 

I was an average kid in physical stature and mental ability. I worked as hard as required to avoid pissing too many people off. A degree of anonymity was a personal goal. To my surprise, I found I had a gift for observation. Things or events would occur and, for the most part, go unnoticed by most people. Still, there were times when I'd spot something desperate, despicable, inane or humane behind some seemingly ordinary event or person. Most times the impact would be fleeting, but on occasion, certain things would stick. 

Eventually I began capturing what I considered the most significant of these thoughts and ideas in print. I'd share them with people via essays, editorial submissions, eulogies and correspondence. For years certain well-meaning friends have suggested I somehow record these "mini streams of consciousness" and frankly, this blogging trend removed my last excuse not to do so.

So hang in there dear readers and buckle up for a journey rife with mediocrity, but laced with just enough wonder and naivete to make it interesting. Above all please understand. I'm not looking to educate or enrich, merely entertain. Enjoy!


  1. Dave mentioned that you were ill. Wishing you love and light and a quick recovery.

    1. Well thank you, Anonymous! I had a bout of pneumonia but I'm over it now. It appears your lovely wishes did their magic.I'm very lucky to have folks like you AND DaveTheDog in my life.

  2. Are you posting from the future? Love your Daily Puppy updates
